Sunday, May 29, 2011

Right 'cheer..Dan Collins' big Wiener Roast.

Seems this lying bastiche Democratic Representative (from NY 9) n00b Twitterer tried to Direct Message his honey a picture of his little sausage; instead, sent it out to the world. Now he's lying: "FACEBOOK WAS HACKED! EVERYTHING IS A LIE! I'M INNOCENT! (wanna see proof? I'll be glad to send you a picture!)".

NOTE: Objects in this Photoshop are MUCH LARGER than for-reals.

Catherine Zeta Jones demonstrates what to do with a properly-caught wiener: cook it unmercifully.

As Democrats have amply demonstrated, whenever they get a change.

Was Weiner's wiener hacked? Probably not...
So, what’s the truth of the story? Was Weiner “hacked?”

Probably not.

We know that because of how Weiner is behaving afterwards.

For example, we have a Congressman whose account has been hacked. He could quite properly get the FBI involved. If Anthony Weiner were to get the FBI involved, that would be an indication of innocence. Because you see, if the FBI gets involved, a conclusion would have to be reached. That conclusion would find its way out to the press. That would be bad news if Weiner sent the picture out himself. So far, he has not gotten the FBI involved.

Twitter could also answer whether Weiner’s account was hacked pretty definitively. They’ll have the IP addresses that accessed the account logged. They’ll also have records indicating if there were multiple attempts to crack the password. So, when that picture was sent — was it from an IP address that Weiner had used before? If it wasn’t, that would suggest Weiner’s account was hacked. Is Weiner calling for Twitter to review the records and release the results? No.

Also, a lot of information connected to this is being deleted. The Twitter account of the attractive young girl, who apparently already knew Weiner? It has been deleted. Her Facebook account? It has been deleted. The Yfrog account, which is another account the hacker would have had to have gotten into — that has been deleted as well. This comes across as people who are covering their own tracks, not people who are trying to catch a hacker.

Now is any of this definitive? Nope, but the evidence exists that can prove definitively whether Weiner was hacked or not. The FBI could certainly establish it. Twitter could do it as well. If Weiner doesn’t ask them to get involved and clear him, it will tell you everything you need to know about whether he was really hacked or not. ...

On Monday, let’s hope that the Congressman gets the FBI and Twitter involved. If he doesn’t, we’ll know why. If he does, then if there’s a hacker, hopefully they can track him down and throw the book at him for causing all this trouble for Weiner and Cordova.
Until Weiner gets busy and PROVES he's not the drunken fat-fingered n00b who screwed up and shot a Tweet AND a yfrog to a little candy girl, then he's on the spit.

Couldn't happen to a nicer sort, really.


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