Sunday, May 29, 2011

Even the New York Times realizes that the Democrats are FAILURES. Witness the headline...
Passive in the Senate  Published: May 28, 2011
The 112th Senate has become a body that largely reacts to outrageous things that Republicans do or say. Rather than coming up with original ideas and sensible policies to counter to the extreme ones pouring out of the House, it simply votes down House bills, or refuses to take them up. Democratic senators, fearful of last year’s Republican tide, may think that a play-it-safe strategy will save their jobs in next year’s election, but the country could pay a high price for their timidity. ...

But there will be no vote on a budget by the Democratic majority of the Senate, the traditional method for stating the majority’s priorities in black and white dollar signs. That’s because the Budget Committee has not agreed on one. And that’s because a good plan by the committee chairman, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, was deferred by Senate leaders, who feared that the plan’s tax increase on millionaires would make Democratic senators ripe targets for Tea Party attacks.

These political considerations should not be minimized. With only a three-vote majority, Democrats, led by Harry Reid, are understandably fearful about losing the Senate next year and have decided that treading water is better than taking a showy but risky dive.

But if Democrats are ever going to regain the momentum in the national conversation, they have to stand for something. Standing pat gives Republicans huge openings to move the debate to the right.

Democrats are Cowards. Dirty socialist Cowards. Senate Democrats have had no Budget proposal FOR TWO YEARS. Barack Obama's budget was one that seemed as if it were created by a child tapping away at an Excel spreadsheet; chock-full of pie-in-the-sky nonsense that didn't address the REAL consequences of his Democrat's unfunded social agendas.

Democrats have promised the world to their constituencies for votes; and are now too cowardly to address paying for their promised largess.

Cowards. All Democrats are cowards, and seemingly would rather wait for a fiscal bombshell crisis than address tough issues. Barack Obama, the titular leader of the Democratic Party, would rather promise his 'community organized' but stupid voting bloc free lunches, then dodge any sensible debate on curtailing the over spending. There is no way to pay for Democrat's desires.

It seems as if they have adapted the Cloward - Piven strategy: keep loading up the cart until it collapses under the weight of the load, then worry about the broken axle, or not; if the collapse is grave enough, they can reform the system to allow for their socialist desire to 'spread the wealth', or at least equalize the various peoples, with themselves ensconced at the top rung, of course. Just like the good old days in the Soviet Union, or in China today.

So, Paul Ryan, start hammering the Democrats to pay for their promises. Make 'em show us how they would pay for their vote-attracting lures set out to attract their unkept, unthinking moon-eyed voters who are fed with plates dished high with class envy.

Eat the rich. It's worked before, right?

Political cartoon h/t Theo Spark


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