Saturday, May 28, 2011

This makes me visibly ill. Another, albeit smaller, Janet Reno-style Waco raid, carried out by Pima Country partisan hack Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. The SWAT team fired 60 rounds into an Iraq war veteran, mistakenly thinking his home was a 'drug house'; a man who didn't even get off one shot; then left him unattended to die...
First, Mr. Guerena’s weapon, contrary to initial accounts by the SWAT team, was never taken off of safety.  The team took no shots from him.  Second, the team mills around for a while before breaching the home.  Third, they don’t form into a stack.  Fourth, absurdly, they knock and allow only four seconds for a response.  Fifth, one of the members falls in the doorway.  Sixth, upon shots being fired (by the SWAT team), more than one team member begins backing away from the incident.  Seventh, one of the team members who initially backed away moves forward to fire shots over the heads of other team members who are in the home (it’s a wonder that SWAT team members didn’t get shot by their own team).  All the while, several team members are standing aimlessly outside the home, doing nothing.  Then to top it all off, even though medical responders arrived within minutes, they weren’t allowed into the home for one hour and fourteen minutes.

The Sheriff may as well have sent the Keystone Cops to raid the home.  These clowns shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near weapons.

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was quick to blame 'right-wing radio' and 'vitrolic' Tea Party elements for the Tucson shootings that left several dead, including a 9 year-old girl. Later, the responsible party, Jared Loughner, is deemed much too mad to stand trial (but he's allowed live on).

So, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, it's time for you to face a recall election, at the very least. Pima County is THE far-left stronghold of Arizona; but even far-left citizens there should be able to deduce and possibly remove a rotten sheriff if it's pointed out to them.



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