Friday, May 27, 2011

Finally, we get some common-sense progress on cutting off one of the two big attractions to illegal aliens who flood this nation. Upholding Arizona's E-Verify or Else helps staunch the attractant of a paycheck provided to illegals by businesses; the other attractant being 'the streets are lined with GOLD!' sentiment that stem from the free benefits provided by Democratic 'entitlement' programs.

The New York Times harrumphs...
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld an Arizona law that imposes harsh penalties on businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

The 5-to-3 decision appeared to endorse vigorous state efforts to punish employers who intentionally hire illegal workers. The majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts on behalf of the court’s five more conservative members, said that Colorado, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia had recently enacted laws similar to the one at issue in the case.
Let's hope this is a clear signal that SB1070 is valid.

Good news for Arizona. Congrats! on your win.

Tennessee, let's get your program up and running TODAY.


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