Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jesse Lee is now the OFFICIAL Obama Administration Head Internet Troll.

The White House has unleashed this new position for the rounding up of wayward Progressives and straying media outlets. From the Huffington Post (a great place to find LeftLibProggs ready to muster)...
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has created and staffed a new position tucked inside their communications shop for helping coordinate rapid response to unfavorable stories and fostering and improving relations with the progressive online community.

"This week, Jesse Lee will move from the new media department into a role in the communications department as Director of Progressive Media & Online Response,"
You got that? "DIRECTOR OF PROGRESSIVE MEDIA AND ONLINE RESPONSE". George Orwell would nod knowingly.

Jesse Lee's Twitter bio...
Jesse Lee @jesseclee44 White House
An official WH twitter account. Comments & messages received through official WH pages are subject to the PRA and may be archived. Learn more
Follow this link and check out the cute little thing, posing with his wifey-pooh (who just so happens to be a gal employed by George Soros' MoveOn dot Org, one Nita Chaudhary, likely the creator of that odious "General Betrayus' advert that ran in the New York Times a few years back).

As Jeff Goldstein said, "they are who we thought they were."

Have you ever seen a more wussified character in your life? Are Progressives really going to flock to this...whimp...for their daily marching orders?

I'd rather see them hunch up to some guy serenading his cat with a guitar whilst being spoon-fed paella by Ed Shultz.

Oh, and FIRST!

Date Night: Jesse Lee and his Wife


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