Thursday, June 2, 2011

Huma Weiner
Anthony Weiner
No Kids. Please.
Huma Weiner (actually, she kept her maiden name; she's officially Huma Abedin. She didn't even take Weiner's name in the hyphenated form. But "Huma Weiner" is how she's officially known on this site) is a poor Muslim girl-child married to a nice (!) Jewish boy. A poor Muslim girl-child who is rich, rich, RICH! (hear that, Democrats? an evil RICH person you can demagogue!) enough to buy, on a pauper's salary, an expensive townhouse in NYC. A poor, devout Muslim girl-child who's been rumored to be involved in a lesbian relationship with Hillary Clinton; rumors that've circulated since long before the 2008 election. Of course, those rumors are unsubstantiated; there's never fire where's there's smoke, as far as Democrats are concerned (unless it's a REPUBLICAN with smoking, dancing feet in a bathroom stall, of course; then Democrats will throw gasoline and matches on the smoke until there is BLAZE!).

'Huma Weiner' just looks to me to be the sort of gal who would lash out at a husband's Twitter girlfriends, who are prettier than she is. And, who else but 'Huma Weiner' had access to Anthony Weiner's personal photos of his own wiener, pictures that in fact he can't, won't deny are his ?

This guy is protecting his jealous wife. That's why he pulled back from formal FBI and Capitol Police investigations of the alleged 'hack' of his verified Twitter account, and instead hired 'private investigators' (who can be told what to report back).

Awwww, isn't that sweet, Anthony Weiner hiding his jealous wife's rage? It's true Married Bliss, where instead of seeing 'Huma Weiner' cutting off offending Anthony Weiner's wiener and tossing it in front of a New York City subway train, a photo is sent via Twitter over the intertubes to Weiner's 'girlfriend' as a pathetic little jealous scream, the intent of which is 'Just LOOK at what you CAN'T HAVE, you little Seattle HUSSY BITCH!'

Just look deep into 'Huma Weiner's' eyes. You see it too, don't you?

Huma Weiner
(or, as she'd rather be known for whatever reason)
Huma Abedin

God help the boy if she ever gets hold of a scimitar.


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