If you are going to use Wiki, at least get some uptodate figures.
Apple are putting in $25bn quarters, so I reckon we can predict a close on to $100bn turnover for the 2011/2012 year. Which isn't far off the 2009 figure for Samsung Electronics at $117bn turnover.
As for the 2-3 times - then you are comparing the whole of Samsung Group, which I'm sure you said that you weren't comparing. But even if we were comparing the whole group, it's $100bn vs $175bn. So not 2-3 times. Maybe 3 times if you are comparing 2009 - which again is slightly boring since Apple's financial muscle has increased hugely in the last 18-24 months.
At best, you were being disingenius when you said "2-3" times for the electronics group, (wiki shows $65bn vs $117bn), when 65 is clearly more than half of 117. As you have trouble with maths, 65*2 is 130. And, taking no chances, 117 is less than 130.
So quite where your "2-3" comes from I have no idea.
Maybe as a hater your maths are failing you? Who knows. ;)
My bad as I was upset at people spewing ignorance without checking facts.
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Apr 21, 07:22 AM
more...gifs de amor y corazonesI originally wanted the white model, but ended up getting the black model. Once it hits the shelves, I'll look at it in store to see how it looks in person, to see if I'll want a white iPhone 5....works out well!
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Other than getting to meet some other mac geeks, has anyone heard anything in regards to what (if any) specials the Apple Stores have planned for this event?
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Apr 13, 09:26 PM
Just changed mine to this :)
corazones y navidadIs that the original below? Liked this WP but the image is broken.
here we go :D
http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/9647/macbookpros15.th.jpg (http://img59.imageshack.us/i/macbookpros15.jpg/)
EDIT: sorry, too late...
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Nano sales are definitely going to take a hit, and maybe that is why Apple has been delaying the launch of the Shuffle! :rolleyes:
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Have you tried another cable or USB port?
Does it make any noise at all? Can you hear the drive spinning up, or is there any clicking noise, etc?
I was wondering if anyone else would like to see a full RSS feed from MacRumors. I currently use Google Reader to combine all my RSS news and I hate only getting a small portion of the MacRumors posts that do not include the images or the full article like the site does.
Where can I download a DMG file of OS X Lion Build 11A419. I found sites with rar files or torrent files but no DMG file.
But was it 00:00 there when I created it?
Yes it was. Your post was at 3 am of my time and I'm in -7 (daylight savings off). So going back to +14 time zone gives 21 hours, add the 21 hours to the 3 hours that this day was in by the time you created the thread and yeah, it was 00:00 of August 1st 2010 in that particular time zone.