for taylor swift fan taylorNicolasdec
Jan 9, 05:29 PM
i was whatching it and it ****ed up in the middle
Taylor Swift Love Story ImageIsn't it interesting how a seemingly intentional act (active user tracking) changes to a "bug" once it's existence is published in the news media? :D
How do you know it's "intentional" and not a "bug"..??
Taylor Swift,Love StoryranReloaded
Mar 26, 02:28 AM
Just by chance (I didn't realize it was OS X's birthday today), last night I wrote a blog post: '10 reasons OS X is better than Windows' ( The timing seems spookily appropriate.
You must have had a hard time picking only the top 10 out of 10,000,000 :D
Taylor Swift Love StoryRight. One of the problems people have when they try to predict what Apple might do is they assume the past = the future. "Oh, Apple only does yearly updates, so this rumor is impossible." Well, Apple does what it does . . . until it doesn't. They don't do books, but now they do. They don't do movies, but now they do, etc.
Apple is not a MacRumors poster stubbornly sticking to the only thing they know. Apple changes as market conditions change. If they think they can increase profitability and market share by making semi-yearly phone updates, they are going to switch to semi-yearly phone updates. Simple as that.
So a Q1 2011 Verizon phone is quite possible.
The thing I believe we can agree on as well is the fact that LTE is not coming to iphone until atleast 2012. It's way too early of a technology for them to adopt it. I'll agree with your points but counter your general hypothesis with one side note: no LTE until 2012.
more...Taylor Swift Love Story MP3logandzwon
Mar 25, 06:29 AM
Happy birthday!
Taylor Swift Love Storygravytrain84
Mar 17, 11:52 AM
Nope, because I left LSU with my character intact.
u mad?
Me? Mad? Lol
more...Download Taylor Swift - LoveYou do realize that would only vindicate the rumor, and people would say he's only saying that because he doesn't want anyone leaking the info on the product Apple's developing...
The first few times, yes. But when three years rolls by, and Steve has announced each time "I've been looking at the rumours sites. There's some great ideas being suggested that I can honestly say we're not working on. But I'd like to single out the iPhone, the tablet, and the Powerbook G5, as we've looked at these and I can honestly tell you that, right now, we see no point in making them. Maybe things will change next year, but as of now, I'd like you to know that our engineers are working on much more interesting, exciting, original hardware." then people are going to start to take it seriously.
Especially if he also comes up with things like "Oh, and while obviously we're going to do what we can to keep our hardware up to date, I can assure you we're not planning the rumoured 64 bit upgrades for the MacBook Pro in the next quarter."
As time goes by, people will recognize that he's not lying. And that'll make it much harder to make stuff up in order to sell page hits.
Of course, I'm fairly convinced the "iPhone" nonsense is probably partly being exploited by Apple at the moment. They didn't invent it, but I suspect it's being used to try to find leakers at the moment. Does anyone seriously think Steve Jobs is running around talking openly about a super-secret product?
Taylor Swift – Love Storyjayducharme
Oct 6, 10:32 AM
The only drawback for Verizon is that they still don't have the iPhone ... yet.
I like how the commercial gives a little taste of the coming augmented reality craze.
more...TAYLOR SWIFT LOVE STORY ALBUMHow is this going to work for Verizon users im on 4.3.7 if im not mistaken...
edit scratch that its 4.2.7 and i just went into settings and it says carrier settings update if i click not now or update now will it do it Over the Air?
Taylor Swift Love StorySPEEDwithJJ
Mar 17, 12:51 AM
Nice. Too bad some kid is going to have $300 docked from his pay...
Unfortunately, that's also true. :(
more...Taylor Swift - FearlessChupa Chupa
Aug 7, 03:37 PM
The 20" is still way over-priced.
taylor swift love story.World Citizen
Mar 24, 03:35 PM
Keep on going and open op some more bags of ideas!
more...Taylor Swift – Fearlessso you're a common dirty thief who steals from people..and proud of the fact? Under Sharia law they'd chop your hands off....
Under sharia law a woman who was raped would need like 9 witnesses to prove the man guilty. And her testimony in other cases would be half that of a man's.
Sharia law isn't a very good thing to bring up ;)
Love Story- Taylor SwiftIn store you should be able to get both discounts.I'm still seeing only one discount applied online.
more...quot;Love Storyquot; (Swift) — 3:55meet my new desk mascot.
it even makes angry bird sounds!!!
want want want want arrrrrrgggghhhhh!!! :d
Love Story. By Taylor SwiftI live in one of fairly many Grade II Listed ( buildings in the United Kingdom, much older but not quite as large as old Steve's, and there is no surprise when purchasing such a building that you are significantly restricted in what you can do to it.
England has a very long history of common people being subject to the will & whim of the rich & powerful & connected.
The USA exists precisely because some of those common people got tired of such treatment and made it clear they would do with their land what they saw fit.
What is it about the past that you don't like, Jobs?
How it gets in the way of the present & future.
When people stop shelling out good money, time & resources of their own (not confiscated-at-gunpoint taxpayer funds) for old things, maybe it's time to stop preserving what people don't actually want and start replacing it. Remember, Apple does not maintain a "museum of past Apple products" because those products no longer sold are, by current standards, failures - they may have been great then, but nobody wants to put up their own money for them today.
Yes, there is a valid argument and sociopolitical expenditure to preserve things which may not be of sustained current value. Question is where to draw the line. AFAIK, nobody actually wanted that house, and few are truly enamored by Spanish Revival architecture to a degree worth the substantial cost of preservation of such an example, and fewer still are truly enamored by the decedent who built it. The argument, IMHO, centers more around those wanting to either criticize Jobs at any opportunity, or whose relevance hinges on ability to find old homes they can spin as "historic".
Suitable acreage is costly in that region. The cost of preserving the "interesting creation" far exceeds the cost of replacing it with another interesting creation; as none are interested in putting up the money to preserve the former, those interested in putting up the money to create the latter win.
And yes, the old gives way to the new. Physical things are not important of themselves. It's not about wanton destruction for sake of destruction, it's about moving forward and removing obstacles thereto.
more...Taylor Swift Links StoriesIt does not.
Yes, it does.
Love Story [Taylor Swift]I'm waiting to be disappointed. I realized that the anonymously submitted schedule of events could very well turn out to be true, in which case I'm not too miffed that I'll be missing live coverage of the event.
Here're my reservations:
- iTunes should be strictly music. iTube or iFilm or iMovies or iVideo or Apple Movie Store should be a separate application; or else name it iMedia and completely rethink the interface. I find that since the addition of video podcasts and TV shows, iTunes is getting really difficult to keep tidy and organized, even with features like smart playlists and a 20" screen. It looks like a big, sloppy mass of text.
- The price should be $11.99 - 9.99 for new movies, $9.99 - 7.99 for older ones, and an iPod version should be thrown in with the full-quality feature. Any more than that and I'll just buy and rip the DVD or, more likely, just download it elsewhere. This pricing structure is not going to happen, I know, and so I'm already less than thrilled.
- The wireless Mac-to-TV bridge has to be really cool and effortlessly simple (and PC compatible too). This proposed "TubePort" USB dongle sounds like the most likely solution for a cross-platform device, but I'm hoping that the AirPort in all its various incarnations (Express, Extreme) will get a revamp and allow for video streaming somehow.
- A true video iPod needs to come soon. As in, before Christmas. And I really don't think we're going to see it today.
We'll see how it goes, of course, but I don't know if the event will live up to the hype. That seems to be Apple's nagging problem lately.
Taylor Swift Love Storyshartypants
Mar 28, 05:39 PM
Its Apple's award, I think they have the freedom to set the rules as they wish. They are simply trying to encourage developers to go to the Mac App Store, don't they have that right with their award?
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Android 2.3.3; Linux; Opera Mobi/ADR-1103211415; U; en-GB) Presto/2.7.81 Version/11.00)
I feel ashamed to say this but Tiger took my OSX Virginity from me but boy was it awesome! My computing life would not be complete without OSX in it.
This is such a great milestone! :)
Thanks Arn! You're a true legend.
In terms of not being able to wait, you should come live in Australia. Considering the Keynote is at like 4:00 am or something, I'll be able to get the stream when I wake up!
I think I'm going to enjoy Wednesday Morning...
I still don't get the blogger pulls a prank equating to all bloggers everywhere being punished by conference organizers. Seriously, it sounds all Zod evil where they threaten to kill some random guy if Superman doesn't bow down to them.
Surf Monkey
Mar 17, 01:05 AM
I like this thread. I like it a lot.
Now, Gizmodo just posted another editorial. They are not just refusing to apologize, they are actually proud. Supposedly this is a an act of civil disobedience, a sign of their independence. Not only are they being immature jerks, but exhibit this self righteous attitude. It is just a prank, (actually it is not even a creative one) so it is not that big of a deal, but their new editorial makes them seem even more immature. I wonder if somebody is going to play pranks on them to show some independence of his own.
Linky (
They should be writing political speeches, I had a tear rolling down my cheek thinking about how they're standing up to corporations